A quiet morning as Mom and I tidied, organized the little things and she prepared for her journey home. Home to her house on the hill, her husband, their dog and her friends. I let her know I would be quiet this morning as I was feeling sad and wished she could stay longer. We were just having so much fun!
Jemp picked us up as planned; early so Mom had plenty of time to check in and go through security. Arriving at the airport (my first time there as I had arrived by train two weeks prior) I noted it was approximately the same size as the Victoria International Airport back at my home. A very clean-lined, modern looking building, I found it lacking warmth. I feel that way about most of the modern architecture here but, hey, I like curves, depth and the warmth of natural wood and stone.
The check in was quick and her baggage was checked straight through to Halifax. Easy peasy. Guess what? I cried. I knew I would. She knew I would. I brought Kleenex and laughed and hugged my way through the tears. We said, "Goodbye" and she sent me on my way to have an adventure of my own in a country she had wonderful memories of, old and new.
Jemp dropped me off at Claude's to change as Lony was to pick me up and take me for a long hike.

Here is the link to the International Federation of Popular Sports http://www.ivv-web.org/home.en.php if you would like more information.
Off we went! There were plastic strips tied to sign posts and arrows spray-painted on the sidewalks at junctions ensuring we didn't wander off the route. It was lovely! There were families, couples, serious hikers with poles, serious runners and the elderly strolling along. Lony, having long legs and in very good shape, kept the pace and we overtook many as we chatted and enjoyed the passing scenery. We were conquering the 12k route and although I'm sure we could have killed the 24k route, we decided not to push it with my back just feeling better.
At our second stop for refreshments and a rest, we met up with Lony's usual walking group who had left on the hike earlier in the day than us. Introductions, a quick chat and some photos and we were off again to complete the last third of the trek.
At our destination (back to the start) there were a lot of people sitting at tables eating sausages (German and Luxembourgish), waffles, frites (French fries) and drinking beer! What a civilized bunch! We joined the queue for sausages after getting beers and waited and waited and yes, we waited some more. Apparently, we were in line for the most popular food. Finally! Our reward was in our hands and we sat under a tent to enjoy.
With our hike complete and our bellies full, we headed back to Rameldange (I just spelled that without looking it up!) where I freshened up, grabbed my book and flopped on the lounge on the terrace. Whew! Wait! I forgot to get a beer! And then...I napped.
The evening was quiet reading as the sun went down, sipping beer and sliding into bed nice and early. Bonne nuit!
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