
Monday, August 19, 2013

Remarks from my Cousin David Hall

August 17 - Amazing what can be accomplished in a couple of weeks.

I particularly enjoyed the colourful posts of your journey with Holly and hers with you. I felt I was looking over Holly's shoulder as she puzzled over the access to the bank and then the highlights from Trier (where I've never been) and social gatherings - assisted by but much better than photos. I sense that Holly may never be the same again.

And the part I can relate to best, of course, was 'the second coming' in As and seeing the poster John put together supported now by 'relics' from the crash site. I think you proved to Karel and the gang that the first trip was not simply a drive by seeking to add to family swagger. So, to my mind you have done a very good thing for the citizens of As, for Holly, for me and Johnny, your father and yourself proving something I believe in very strongly-experience and engagement with others triumphs 'stuff' any day.

And even if you have seen it already, you'll have to watch In Bruges (English spelling) with Colin Farrell.

August 19 - Thanks for your email, David. I wish you had been on both of the journeys and I know you wish you had been as well.

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